Group projects--ouch!
PostPosted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 11:13 pm
Hi. I have 2 group projects to do this quarter but right now I need prayer requests regarding one of them. The class is Cognitive Development, and my project requires doing "research" with a few kids, and that means we need to obtain permission from their parents (informed consent). Problem is, we're nearly haflway done with the quarter, and no word on any parents agreeing to it. It's not too much to ask. 20-30 minutes with their kids(s) seeing how well they can solve basic addition problems. So could you please pray that the other 2 ladies and I can get things arranged?
Nothing to say about the other project, but if something comes up, I will post it. Thanks!
Nothing to say about the other project, but if something comes up, I will post it. Thanks!