my grandmom passed away this morning. she was saved but it was horrible for me and my mom.
this morning my grandmom called the house and was gasping saying she couldnt breathe so my mom rushed over and i was left at home to make the kids breakfast. later my mom calls screaming for me to run over (my grandmom lives right across the street). my mom was crying and screaming on the phone i could barely understand her. so i ran over in my pajamas and police just arrived at the house. there was one police woman who came and i ran into the house and they were trying to get my grandmom on the floor because she wasnt breathing. i grabbed my grandmom's legs and we got her on the floor. she still wasnt breathing. then a medic and an amblulance came and tried CPR and then more medics came. my grandmom was throwing up blood all over. they said she had fluid in her lungs. then my grandmom went into cardiac arrest. i was running from our house to my grandmoms getting my mom clothes(since she was also in pajamas) and my moms purse and car keys in case they rushed her to the hospital. before the ambulance came my mom was holding my grandmoms head and my grandmom whisphered "its time. i'm dying." my mom believes my grandmom died before the medics even arrived.
but the medics still tried. then, the one paramedic went to my mom and said shes passed and my mom broke down. my mom hasnt stopped crying since. shes not crying because of grandmom shes crying because of herself. she's going to miss my grandmom so much and so am i. my grandmom was the closet grandparent i had. she lived across the street since i was six and she taught me to play chess and crochet and bake.
i feel i killed my grandmom because all last week i had the flu and had really bad chest congestion. and then when i heard them say that she had too much mucus in her lungs i feel i got her sick and that i killed her because sunday she rode with me to an orchestra concert i was performing in and i was still sick. i feel its my fault. i know god took her and that it was his time for her but i feel he used me to kill her.
i feel horrible.
and i'm numb. i have only cried twice for only two minutes and thats it. i cant cry. i almost feel like i'm in a dream because it happened so quickly.
she was over our house last night for dinner and was acting fine.
i never got to say goodbye to her. the last i saw her was when the medics were giving her CPR. i saw her lying there with blood trickling over her pale lips, her mouth just hanging open, her body limp. why did god take her? she was only 74... she was too young. too young for this to happen.
i still cant believe shes dead. i want to just wake up and find it was all a bad dream.
but i dont think i will wake up.
please pray for my mom and aunt. they have so many things to take of now.
thank you.