Mission Trip/Internship Prayer Request

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Mission Trip/Internship Prayer Request

Postby Heed » Wed Apr 27, 2005 1:43 pm

This summer I will hopefully be going to Japan for my internship for my college to work with a missionary at a church there. It is going to cost a good buck but I am really excited. The main reason for this post is I need prayer as well as the missionaries I will be staying with. A situation recently arose which might change my plans for going. The missionary's mother-in-law has become ill. I am praying that she will feel better and everything will work out. Thank you everyone.
The Straight and Narrow

I chose to walk the straight and narrow road, but one day I lost balance and fell off it. I had fallen onto some sharp rocks and injured myself. There were people passing by who would merely stare at me, and then keep walking. Thoughts of worthlessness entered into my mind, and as I chose to believe the lies, my wounds grew worse. I was so overcome with grief that I nearly gave up... but then a man walked up to me and stopped. Without saying a word, he started to wrap my wounds, he gave me some water, and then lifted me up and embraced me. He then whispered these words into my ear, "I love you my child." As he said those words I could feel all the worthlessness and despair fall away. He then held out his hands. They had huge holes in them. He then said, "Walk with me." I then took his hand and we walked together. Every now and then I would fall from the road, but no matter where I fell, he was always there to pick me up and tell me that He loved me.

-by Micah Smith
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Postby Ashley » Wed Apr 27, 2005 9:43 pm

Moved this to the prayer forum

Secondly, rock on! I'm a missionary in training myself. I pray the Lord truly changes you and reveals some awesome stuff on this trip. Keep us updated!
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Postby Cedahlia » Thu Apr 28, 2005 10:23 am

I'll pray. ^^ I hope everything works out!
"Not believing is letting each other down, that's how it is."

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