Need some major help

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Need some major help

Postby Mr_Ross » Sat Dec 18, 2004 12:26 pm


You might remember a n00b who came on here a while back named Tobias. Whether you do or you don't, that was me.

Sorry for not being on in so long, a lot has gone on in my life since I was last here...
Divorce, School Problems, and another thing...

I don't know if this is the proper place to say this, but I realized how my sexuality truly is, and one of the reasons I haven't been coming here is that I'm scared that everyone will now reject me.
You see, I've had a lot of problems around here with local churches, even my own private school, calling me a "liberal ****" and telling me I'm going to hell. Several of them actually told me to go to this website, and after the events that have happened to me, including seeing this website: <clipped> , I'm scared of being yet again rejected here.
So, if anyone wants to talk about this, feel free...
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Postby agasfas » Sat Dec 18, 2004 12:49 pm

First off God doesn't hate homosexuals, he hates the sin of it. What people fail to realize is God hates sin in general whether it be: pornography, homosexuality, drugs, abuse etc... Sin is Sin is sin... regardless. You have come to the right place, there have been many threads in the past where people were in the same predicament...
Check out: This guy was/is in the same position as you. There is a lot of advice held in that thread. I would highly recommend you checking this one out. I really hope this helps.

ANd no, I would never reject anyone, nor would God. We are all caring people here. ANd please forgive my words, but anyone who says, "God hates Fags" has no idea the the bible teaches. God (Jesus) taugh love for everyone, regardless, not hate. Hate only spawns more hate. The first four books of the New Testament explain that, Jesus loved us so much he died for all of our sins; that was quite a burden to carry. So I'm sorry you had to go through that. Though I will say you are not born that way, it's what you feed into your head and choose to buy into. Satan even has his hand in this one... Everyone fights their own kind of demon, again such as: porn, drugs etc... It's how you deal and fight with it that makes you who you are. Never give up, God is always willing to help if you are willing. God does care for you and so do I. Never believe anything else.

Again, please check out:

I really do believe it will help you.
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Postby ZiP » Sat Dec 18, 2004 12:57 pm

Well, firstly, I'd recommend maybe removing that link.
Secondly, none of us will reject you.
Thirdly, those men on that website, are bunch of idiots, they don't decide who God hates, and who he doesn't. And if people who are calling you a "Liberal Fag" are telling about that site, you probably shouldn't visit it.
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Postby uc pseudonym » Sat Dec 18, 2004 1:27 pm

I have removed your link. Attempting to keep up a family-friendly environment, we cannot allow such hatred (in addition to Biblically skewed theology) to be easily available. Thank you, however, for mentioning it; I can see why you would be afraid of rejection after being subjected to Fred Phelps.

First off, I will gaurantee that you will be accepted here. If you have an honest struggle, it is a very positive thing that you are sharing it, and we will not stop you. All of us sin, and we would never condemn a brother who is struggling with any sin.

On an administrative note: I will be moving this to a different forum where it is more properly placed. Thank you, however, for sharing.
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Postby agasfas » Sat Dec 18, 2004 6:06 pm

Also, I forgot to mention that I will be praying for you. This is quite the situation... Have faith in God, he will comfort you in the times you-- you are never alone.

Isaiah 43:2 When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.
"A merry heart doeth good like a medicine.." Prov 17:22

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I'm done...

Postby Mr_Ross » Sat Dec 18, 2004 10:03 pm

Thank you all for your concern, but after thinking about it, I'm really not sure that I want to continue being a part of my faith.

Far too many (and for the record, you guys haven't done anything bad to me), have made me feel like I am an evil, sin-drenched monster who is controlled by demons and is going to burn in hell. Frankly, I just can't deal with it anymore...

If you want to say anything to me, you can, but I'm not sure if it will help at this point...

Thanks anyway
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Postby Jaltus-bot » Sat Dec 18, 2004 10:22 pm

As long as you don't go doing things like dissing God and promoting satanism or something obviously bad like that, you won't be rejected here.

If you believe Jesus died for your sins and rose again to overcome death for you, you are saved for eternity. You are no worse a sinner than I am and I know I need Christ too. Please don't left a few self-righteous judgemental Christians keep you from the love that is in Christ. Find another church, whatever it takes. Keep seeking Him and turning to Him. He can change us and forgive even our worst sin. How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation? Jesus came to die for people like us and no one else has any right to say that anyone who believes in Jesus Christ as his savior will go to hell.
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Postby agasfas » Sat Dec 18, 2004 10:27 pm

Please don't take this the wrong way but tell you. Satan likes nothing more to see the children of God be hurt. Satan takes delight in that simple fact. I'm very sorry you had to go through all that but everyone goes through hard times. Not the same situation but here's a bit about my past (sorry I've written this a million times):

Around 7-8th grade I started to loose my hair. I have someone called Alopecia-- you immune system attacks your hair follicle are attacked by the immune system. My hair would fall out then grow back. And when it grew back more fell out in it's place. Most of my life I was the center of jokes and continually made fun of. People always talked behind my back (I could alway hear) and people joked about me having cancer. It wasn't until recently my hair grew back and has stayed for more than 6months. Do you think I wanted to give up? All the time! Did I, no. Why, because out of all that hatred and mockery Irecieved I knew I had a few who cared for me: God, family and a few friends (few). I can easily look back at all the bad and have tons to be depressed about. So many others could too.. But why? It's our past. Through Christ things are made anew. He will only forgive your past if your are willing to let it go.

Many other people face hard times too, not only you or me. People with cronic illness, deformities, mental retardation, abusive parents, being poor etc... You are lucky to have what you do. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to play a guilt game here, but instead of concentrating on all the bad why not try focusing it on the good. Your health, your life, this world etc...

It's like someone complaining after winning the lottery, "yeah that's great and all but they taxed the heck out of my winnings."

It's always easy to find a negative. Try being positive.You are never alone and regardless of what hatred you recieve that doesn't change the fact that God cares deeply for you and so do others. Because a church says says your an outcast doesn't mean you have to buy into it. You are what you buy into. The adittudes we carry effect our daily lives. If you are always negative your day will always seem bad. If you try and be positive, your day will be more delightful.

I'm not sure what you want. People to accept you? Well I accept you as you. I disagree w/ the lifestyle but that doesn't mean your a lost cause. God has made place in heaven for many: ex-murderes, ex-homosexulas, ex-whatever. You have a free will and with that you can either give up or fight. If you give up, Satan wins. Your 15yrs and still young. Why give up on life so young? Life has more to offer but you have to give it a chance.

Think what you want, but Jesus does care for you and it would be a shame to turn your back on that. Giving up is only the easy way out. Everything worth while in life is worth fighting more. Things arn't always handed to you on a silver plater, it's sad but it's the truth. Some people are dealt a pretty crappy hand, but if you give up Satan wins. LIke I've said, it's easy to be focused on the bad, why not try looking at the good.

I dont know what you want from me, if your wanting sympathy or empathy, I don't mind giving it. But I dont think it's right to give it if the person has already given up. If you come in w/ the mind-set saying:
If you want to say anything to me, you can, but I'm not sure if it will help at this point...

then there is nothing we can really do. You have to be willing to open up and and stay for the long fight. Jesus is alway there to help. I've stated it a million times, but Jesus wants to work in the hearts of those who are willing to fight and trust in the lord. He won't force you.

Sorry if I sould a bit cold, that is not my intent at all. I'm just saying there is no reason to throw in the towel and give up on life. Life has a lot to offer you if you give it a chance. Don't let a few christians define the us "christians" as a whole like that. The majority of us are caring individuals that care for your well being.
But how can somone try to help if you yourself don't care anyone? Continue to have faith and smile even when you don't feel like it. Remain positive and more good will be able to be done.

I will continue to pray for you.
"A merry heart doeth good like a medicine.." Prov 17:22

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Postby sheepdog » Sat Dec 18, 2004 10:39 pm

Mr_Ross wrote:Thank you all for your concern, but after thinking about it, I'm really not sure that I want to continue being a part of my faith.

Far too many (and for the record, you guys haven't done anything bad to me), have made me feel like I am an evil, sin-drenched monster who is controlled by demons and is going to burn in hell. Frankly, I just can't deal with it anymore...

If you want to say anything to me, you can, but I'm not sure if it will help at this point...

Thanks anyway

i can understand the discouragement from that. however, if some Christians were nice to you, you would stick around?

my point in asking (since it might not be obvious) is that you shouldn't let the actions of a few who profess faith (it may seem like many, but really we all know only a few people in the grand scheme of things) disuade you from the great blessing God bestowed to us, that is this salvation. IMO there are better reasons to doubt.
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Postby Spiritsword » Mon Dec 20, 2004 9:10 am

I will pray.
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Postby Spirit_Wolf8356 » Mon Dec 20, 2004 12:30 pm

I'll be praying for you.

And I don't kowif you go through and read people's signatures, so I'll put this up here in case you don't:

I Peter 5:7 ~ Casting all your care upon Him, for He careth for you.

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Postby shooraijin » Mon Dec 20, 2004 1:10 pm

I'd also like to point out that one's apparent sexuality is very plastic during adolescence, and it's not unusual at all to feel attractions that you haven't felt before (or actively resist).

Being tempted in that vein does not necessarily mean that you are gay (or bisexual), just as heterosexual temptation does not in itself make you impure or amoral.

Regardless of how you *feel* your sexuality is being skewed, I urge you to consider it in the contexts of time, and that even if you ultimately believe that you truly are gay, that there are other in-built things in us that God tells us to resist -- and not everything inside of us was placed there by God to begin with.

I'm very sorry that you are being treated that way by your church. It must be a tremendous violation of trust, and we were never told to hate the sinner -- only the sin. Let's bring that second aspect a little more to light, if you like.
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Postby Rogie » Mon Dec 20, 2004 3:58 pm

In hopes that you read this, I'm praying for you, and remember that you're not alone, and that we here at the CAA love you, just as God loves you.
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Postby Kura Ookami » Mon Feb 28, 2005 6:21 am

I've struggled with not really knowing whether being gay or bi is wrong or not. Thing is novody has given a much better explanation of why than God says it's wrong therefore it is. I've got a lesbian friend and i care about her. I have no way of explaining what christians in general think about gays. I just try to be there for her. Well, i will certainly pray for you. I sincerly hope that things will go better for you in your life. :hug:
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Postby LostChild » Thu Mar 03, 2005 7:27 am

Mr_Ross wrote:...have made me feel like I am an evil, sin-drenched monster who is controlled by demons and is going to burn in hell. Frankly, I just can't deal with it anymore...

If you want to say anything to me, you can, but I'm not sure if it will help at this point...

what won't help? never say never for God can acomplish anything, so can i through Him. just remember that if you do decide to reject God, He will never do so to you. i'm Baptist, so i believe that you can have "accepted" Jesus into your life and then later reject Him, and "discard" the Christain faith along the road of life]will[/I] be walking with Him one day too.

and on being an "evil sin-drenced monstor," no one can say that they are not so; but you can say you have been forgiven because Jesus lives in you. our sins are so great that God is unable to look at us; BUT because Jesus lives in us, God sees us through Him; Righteous and Holy. i don't want to been seen as some "prick" on the streets that doesn't care about anyone and sins all the time without a second thought of it. i'm pretty sure that you don't want to been seen that way either, which is why you posted this thread: for help. and help is what i'm wanting to give, if your willing to accept my hand.
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Postby Mr_Ross » Thu Mar 03, 2005 9:29 pm


Yeah, my life utterly went to hell. I'm through with all of this. You guys won't be seeing me in heaven, sorry.

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Postby LostChild » Thu Mar 03, 2005 9:34 pm

dude, i never said i hate you. why take this out on us? we're trying to help, but you need to accept it. i want to be able to help. what do u want me to do? :sniffle:
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Postby termyt » Fri Mar 04, 2005 9:29 am

Do not allow "Christians" to dissuade you from seeking the Living God. That is a disservice to you and to our loving and compassionate Lord. Giving up on your faith is exactly the opposite thing you should do in your situation.

I, too struggle with a sinful nature. I have struggled greatly with lustful desire, but that is not enough to separate me from God. He desires a relationship with both you and me that so much that He was willing to give up everything and die for us. Reject those so-called Christians and not the God who died for you so He could be with you.

All that said, it is not OK to remain in a sinful lifestyle. I still struggle with lustful desire and I expect you will continue to struggle as well, but don't give up. Seek help from counselors and friends, and look to God in prayer and the study of His Word.
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