Excuse me as I hyperventilate....

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Excuse me as I hyperventilate....

Postby Lehn » Sun Jul 18, 2004 6:49 pm

So… There I was spending a lovely week at my aunt and uncle’s house; horseback riding, hog tying ostriches, swimming, having my first encounter with leaches, when I get a cryptic message from my father to come home immediately.

So, I hop in my batmobile aka Chevy S10 and shimey-shake my way back home, only to find out that he received a phone call from my uncle who had just gotten off the phone from speaking with Paul & Nancy N.

They’ve been in Japan for the last zillion years as missionaries with Christian Arts Network (CAN) which specializes with reaching out to Japanese artists and the sort through the arts in hopes of helping them start a relationship with Jesus Christ (http://www.japancan.com/Site/home_en.htm)

They’re back in the States a month earlier then what I had last heard they would be, and will be visiting our church next week.

Excuse me as I hyperventilate.

The last time I met them I was, like six. They’re good family friends, but I have barely any memory of them what-so ever.

Which brings me to me desperate plea for prayer:

I’m going to ask/beg them to let me fly out there next summer for a few months and learn the missionary ropes, to see if that really what God wants me to do.

But I’m scared silly. I want this so bad; this has been my dream for as long as I can remember, but I'm scared.

So yeah, pray that things turn out right. Please?
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Postby Golden_Griff » Sun Jul 18, 2004 7:21 pm

I'll pray.
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Postby shooraijin » Sun Jul 18, 2004 8:34 pm

Can do, Lehn. Even if it doesn't happen *right now*, there's still the chance of getting to do a "trial run" in the future!
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Postby martinloyola » Sun Jul 18, 2004 11:17 pm

hey!! wow, that would be awesome. God, open or close the door!! but don't leave it where it is!!!!
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Postby Rogie » Mon Jul 19, 2004 3:25 pm

I'll pray for you. Sounds pretty exciting!
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Postby Jaltus-bot » Fri Jul 23, 2004 6:36 pm

Oh my gosh that is so exciting! You totally have my prayer. I know that it will be an incredible experience for you.
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Postby termyt » Fri Jul 23, 2004 8:10 pm

Sounds like a great opportunity, I hope it works out. But don't dispair if it doesn't!
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Postby JediSonic » Fri Jul 23, 2004 8:18 pm

Wow! That would be so cool! Are your parents ok with the idea?

I'll pray praying for ya!
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Postby Spirit_Wolf8356 » Sat Jul 24, 2004 3:13 pm

I'll definitely be praying for you. And let me say, that is totally cool.

And you hog-tied ostriches?! :lol: I find that funny.

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Postby Lehn » Sat Jul 24, 2004 4:42 pm

'Jedi Sonic' wrote:Are your parents ok with the idea?

Dad’s not doing back flips about it]And you hog-tied ostriches?! [/QUOTE]

Weeeeeell... The one I hog tied was a stuffed adult one that my Grandpa’s making for a zoo to display.
The buggers don't have big teeth, but they can rip a stray hand (or whatever else they can reach) to shreds with a few bites. You couldn't pay me to get close enough to them to actually tie a live one, and I wouldn’t suggest it either.
When you're in a pen with about two dozen birds that are about 8-9 feet tall and can run at speeds at 25-30 mph, you don't take any chances with getting them mad.
The most I’ve ever done with live ones is waved a lasso at them and herded them with a supersoaker while on horseback. You wouldn't think it, but they love the water. Go absolutely batty about it, and lie down and coo like mad.

But anyways, tomorrow’s the lucky day, I'll keep ya'll updated!
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Postby Angel37 » Sat Jul 24, 2004 6:22 pm

Oh my gosh that would be so cool!!!!!!! My prayers are with you! That's my dream as well so pray for me too that I get such a cool oppurtunity to do this!!! Wow! I pray you find missions to your calling! God be with you!
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Postby Fsiphskilm » Mon Jul 26, 2004 12:55 am

Ostriches, Supersoa
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I'm leaving CAA perminantly. i've wanted to do this for a long time but I've never gathered the courage to let go.
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Postby Lehn » Mon Jul 26, 2004 2:16 pm

Thanks everyone, especially Volt.

'Volt' wrote:I hope you find what you're looking for. But in-case you don't. You shouldn't worry. Sometimes we want to be someone that we feel is a good person, or a good influence on society, we want to help. But it's not our place, nor God's real purpose. Take your time. And pay close attention to see wheather or not this is what you really want to do. Then pray about it.

Is it what God really wants you to do? I pray that you find your purpose. It seems it's hard to find those these days. Everyone's trying to be someone they aren't. Be you (at the minimum, who God wants you to be)

I've been praying about this for a very, very, very long time because it's pretty common in my family to go into missionary work. Four uncles are pastors, as is my grandfather, my grandmum does child misssionary, as does my aunt. Three of my cousins are going into this also, two of them are already at Moody in Chicago, and the other (my age) is planning on majoring in worship music.
It's always been my fear that I might be doing this out of duty to my family, not out of duty to God because thats His plan for me.

So far, it feels right. As if this is God's plan. I'm seeing puzzle pieces fall into place perfectly for this; classes and skills that I thought were useless are suddenly turning out not to be. But the real test is going to be next summer, I'm planning on just getting my feet wet. If it's not right, it's not right. I'm not going to force myself into anything that isn't God's plan.

But what happens if this is what God wants me to do? I'd rather fly half way around the world and know then spend the rest of my life not knowing, savvy? :grin:

Oh, BTW, they said yes. It's for sure that I'm going. Just haveta' set a date.
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Postby JediSonic » Mon Jul 26, 2004 4:36 pm

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