Postby Nate » Thu May 12, 2022 9:38 pm
Well, not really ashes, I'd describe it more as "a pile of smoldering rubble." But most of the stuff I had was burned up, and even the stuff that didn't is stuck under the charred remains of the house and I think it's supposed to rain tonight. Like, there's basically no way my Switch or my 3DS survived. We were able to save some family photos out of the china cabinet towards the back of the house though, and aside from water on the floor (from the firehoses) and the mirror being broken, my bathroom was actually mostly intact. Which is nice, it means my contacts didn't burn up, they didn't even melt from the heat. And it meant that there was a cabinet full of dry, non-sooty towels.
So I mean...I guess I have that. And my car. But nothing else, really.

Ezekiel 23:20