Ptl: Hired!

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Ptl: Hired!

Postby Nozomi » Mon Aug 09, 2010 10:43 pm

Almost 14 months after I graduated from college, my search for a career-launching job has come to a close. It has been a long, hard road, but God has been with me every step of the way. Praise God for the growth He produced in me during this time, and for the blessing of this job. Pray for me also, that I would be a good employee, stay in good health and focus (which I will need, based on the responsibilities below), and that I would continue to grow in Him during this time. Also, that I would still be a light of encouragement and steadfastness to others who are still looking for jobs.


EMPLOYER: Toyota Tsusho America, Inc.
LOCATION: Torrance, CA
JOB TITLE: Field Technician
START DATE: Monday, August 16, 2010
DURATION: 3-4 months, Temp Position, Fulltime Hours
PAY RATE: CLASSIFIED, for financial security reasons. I may trust some friends with this knowledge, but not entire social networks, which I am cross-posting this entry on. It does pay well, though; I can at least say that.
RESPONSIBILITIES: As the driver part of a two-man team, conduct road trips across half the country for up to 5 weeks at a time. Western Division trips will be be based from Torrance, while Eastern Division trips will be based from Detroit. Possibility of driving into Canada. Driving may be as long as 10 hours a day, 6 days a week. While driving, run through large/important freeway interchanges multiple times, each time recording data to input into the GPS navigation database for automotive built-in GPS units. No work on Sundays. Hotel, gas, and food expenses all paid/reimbursed.

Any further questions?...
There is always hope in the Lord for those who seek it.
Live each day as if it were your first, not your last.
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Postby Angel37 » Wed Aug 11, 2010 3:52 pm

Congrats! How awesome! :)
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