As a couple of you may recall, I'm going on a mission trip to Mexico with my church's youth group at the end of June. For some time I've been wishing we had more training sessions to prepare - we only have five of them total. Well, we were supposed to have one last Friday, but the supplies and training material we needed hadn't arrived, so we had to cancel it.
It's now been rescheduled for the 20th of May. This means we'll go almost two full months between training sessions (the last one was March 22), and we'll have only ten days between the May 20 session and the next one after, which will leave little time for people to work on any assignments given out on the 20th.
Please pray that everyone will stay focused and enthusiastic about the trip in the meantime, and that everything will adjust smoothly to the altered training schedule and that our preparation won't be adversely affected./