Dear all, this isn't for me.
But for a FOF (friend of friend) who is going through a very bad relationship. I'll try to provide as much information but since it's secondary information, there is only so much I can offer.
Anyway, as a whole, my friend's friend is the guy who wants to end the relationship with his girlfriend. But the gf is eh...quite emotional about it to the point of she threatening to kill herself if he does so. From what I understand, she has attempted it 2 times so far and now the guy is terrified of making the break lest she does the final deed.
This has, of course, brings about very grave and severe mental stress to the guy and he doesn't see any way out. Both of them are living overseas (meaning they live away from their family and good friends), which makes it all the more difficult. I mean, in the sense of the girl not having friends or family to ensure she doesn't commit suicide or do something stupid. From what I understand, the guy and girl live together and as a result, have to do every single thing together (??). Urh, I don't know about you guys but this does sound horribly sticky and painful to me.
Now, I'm not going to point fingers or say, he/she should do this ....or that...bla bla. It's really hard to say anything when you're not in the exact position, you know what I mean? So please pray for them. I doubt they're believers but I believe that God will answers our prayers on anything, Amen? I think they need our Lord's help!