Postby heero yuy 95 » Fri Feb 09, 2007 9:53 am
Hey, guys, I'm feelin' a little bummed. -__- K, a little while back I posted a thread about a "girl I like(but don't plan to date)". Like I said, she's a really coolio individual. She's really mellow and level-headed, which i find very appealing, also most optimistic. But she's an agnostic, and I know darn well I can't go into a relationship with someone who doesn't share my faith. I accepted that from the get-go. I told her I kinda like her, but I could never date her cuz she's not saved, and she totally understood. She told me she's not quite sure how she feels about me, but would like to get to know me nonetheless. I guess this is where the bummed part comes into play. Well, there was always that hope that she would get saved, and perhaps a romantic relationship could work. But then Mangafanatic gave me some most wise advice, "you don't want to date a 'christian' you want to date someone who's desperately in love with Christ, and it will take her years to reach that stage" well, not word-for-word, but something to that extent. Then I got to thinking, man, she's right. Like, even if she got saved, it would be major-wrong to try and dump a relationship on top of that, cuz it might turn her away from Christ and mess it all up. So, like, mangafanatic, your words were very wise, and i thank you for them. But until then there had always been this hope that I could go out with her, but when I got to thinking, it hit home, "YOU WON'T EVER DATE HER!!!" and like, God has someone even better than her for me, which is all good, and if I could get her saved and never see her again, it would so be worth it, but yeah, i guess I'm just being a lovesick teenager. Well, guess I just wanted some ranting time. I honestly don't know if this should be in prayer or general. Well, I guess prayer that I hold strong is all good.
'listen to me, Grel, these constant failures have been causing me to lose face, and if you keep it up i shan't spare yours!" -Khyron the Destroyer
"why throw away your life so recklessly!"
"that's a question you should be asking yourself, megatron." -transformers the movie
^ My Manga!!! Check it out!