Anime Reviews ⇢ Porco Rosso (Movie)
Porco Rosso (Movie)
紅の豚 Kurenai no Buta
Average Rating: 8 / 10

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Ratings: 2
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Content Overview
Violence: 2 / 10
Nudity: 1 / 10
Theo Theme: 2 / 10
Neg Theme: 2 / 10

Brief Description:
Once an Italian ace pilot during World War I, Porco Rosso was mysteriously transformed into a pig, and ever since, becoming a legendary bodyguard-for-hire protecting cruise ships from frequent aerial pirate raids.
When cocky American pilot, Curtis, contracted by the disgruntled pirates, challenges Porco's reputation, he is forced to defend his honour which soon leads him to Fio, a feisty young girl and extremely talented engineer who Porco reluctantly allows to come with him.
However, between Fio, the air pirates and the Italian secret police all wanting a piece of Porco he soon finds much more than he bargained for!

US Release date: 1992
US Distributor: Walt Disney Pictures
Suitable for ages: 12+
Related Works: Loosely based on Hayao Miyazaki's manga, Hikotei Jidai
Runtime: 94 minutes
User Reviews
July, 2012: J.D3 [ Already Rated ]

Overall, Porco Rosso is a pretty decent anime, and worth a look if you're into Studio Ghibli titles or just want something that is fairly easy to watch. It really doesn't have much in the way of objectionable content, and there is a theme of what real honour is, and redemption to a certain degree, as well. The artwork and animation in some of the aerial scenes is great considering the age of this title, and the mix of quirky characters - even the antagonists - makes for a good laugh every now and then too. Violence Details: This anime is all about airplanes and aerial 'dogfights', so there is some violence, but very low-level. Theological Themes Details: Porco's condition is referred to as a 'curse', though it is never really explained, and I really couldn't decide between a '2' or a '1' for this section as a result. There is also one scene where Porco recounts an event which could be interpreted as the 'afterlife', though it never really features in the plot again. Other Potentially Problematic Details: Porco and other characters are seen to be drinking at times, though none of the characters are ever seen to be drunk/disorderly. Porco also smokes a fair bit, so that may be problematic for some viewers too.

The following users rated this title without reviewing it: skreyola.
Added: July, 2012