Anime Reviews ⇢ Persona 4: The Animation
Persona 4: The Animation

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Brief Description:
Plot Summary: Yu Narukami has moved from Tokyo to Inaba to stay with his uncle and cousin, while his parents are away on business. However, after a murder shakes up the sleepy town, things get even more crazy when he discovers the mysterious "Midnight Channel," and that he has the even more mysterious ability to enter TVs. Accompanied by his disbelieving friends, Yu discovers another world inside the TVs, that seems to be connected with the murder. They also discover the ability to summon 'Persona', their 'other selves', whose power they can use to fight the shadows that inhabit the TV world. The murders, the Midnight Channel, the world inside the TV, and Persona. Yu and his friends fight to figure out how they're connected, and to solve the case before it's too late.

Distributor: Madman Entertainment Pty. Ltd. (Australia & New Zealand)
Internet Streaming:
Anime on Demand (Great Britain)
Hulu (United States)
Madman Screening Room (Australia & New Zealand)
The Anime Network (North America; simulcast)
Licensed by: Sentai Filmworks


Suggested Age Appropriateness: 16+
Added: May, 2012