Anime ReviewsContributors ⇢ _GazeRockMei_
Contributor Report: _GazeRockMei_

The following is a list of all ratings and reviews submitted by _GazeRockMei_. The links below can be used to quickly scroll down to a specific title.

Black Butler (Jump to title)
- Overall: 7
- Violence Rating: 9
- Nudity Rating: 8
- Theological Themes: 9
- Other Negative Themes: 7
Review Violence/Gore: I gave this a hardcore rating of 9 for many, stone solid reasons. First, allow me to humbly say, this is most violent manga I have ever read. Continual gore isn't just in one certain chapter or area of the story, no, it proceeds through the whole manga. And when gore isn't prominant you can bet your sanity that it will soon return with a vengeance. Spoiler: I'll give a few examples: prostitutes being murdered then having their ovaries cut out; deaths by knives, forks, swords, and guns; children falling from tight-ropes at extreme heights; children being eaten by lions; people being eaten by zombies and many, many more scenes.

Nudity/Sexual Content: I gave this an 8 because there are many scenes that involve rather "underdressed" woman with their breasts showing quite provocatively and/or wearing very short skirts and dresses. When given an 8 for nudity and sexual content, it's not hard to describe why. There are many questionable things that turn up every now and again that I won't bother to name.

Theological: I probably would have given this manga a 10 if it had not been for the the lingering thought that I should cut this poor manga some slack. If you know the plot of this story, you'll know that Sebastion isn't just any butler - he's a demon. Ciel sold his soul to a demon purely for revenge of his family's death which, in my opinion, is enough to earn this manga a 7. However, the fact that many issues concerning Satanic rituals, bashing of angels, bashing of God, and the overall proclomation that the Light is useless, cropped up, I had no choice but to honestly raise it to a 9.

Other Negatives: Swearing, constant darkness, an overall negative theme, and many questionable things happen in this manga.

Overall I gave this manga a 7 purely out of my own enjoyment. Before reading I highly recommend you take a step back and think carefully; this manga is, as I already discussed, an extremely graphic anime and that matter should not be treaded upon lightly. There were scenes that had my stomach contorting with queasiness. A lot of sexual things crop up that you should watch out for. Also,as I already said, the manga is extremely dark with a lot of Satanic references. I really don't recommend this manga to anyone unless your interests are gore and dark themes. I do, however, praise this for having such amazing artwork and a thick plot. The art alone kept me hooked as well as the nail-biting intensity of what's to come. My tip?: read at your own risk.
Fruits Basket (Jump to title)
- Overall: 9
- Violence Rating: 2
- Nudity Rating: 3
- Theological Themes: 2
- Other Negative Themes: 2
Review Violenece/Gore: I gave this a 2 because there are a few scenes that involve fighting (consequently between Kyo and Yuki), violence (slightly graphic car accident scene, and people jumping through roofs and walls. Although those are few and far between, I thought as I, looking for honest reviews, should comment on it.

Nudity/Sexual Content: Althought a relatively clean and innocent manga, I gave this a 3 because there are a few "questionable" scenes which I encountered when reading it. Most of them are by one character (Hatsuharu) who comments on his girlfriend as well as a scene between the two of them in bed together (nothing is shown, but it is worthy of being mentioned). Also, one other character (Ayame) has a tendency to make slightly disturbing gay comments as well as acting homosexual. (However, he is not) As for nudity, I don't have any warnings for that. However, when returning to their human forms, they are naked, but nothing inappropriate is shown.

Theological: I gave that a 2 only because some people may find it offensive that the manga is based around Zodiac, magic, and "god". However nothing ever indicates to beliefs nor is it protesting a faith.

Other negative themese: Swearing is prominant in this; depending on what translation you find, near the end the F word is used quite profusely (I went to another site to read it and found that the translation on that site was a bit different and the F word wasn't used at all like in the other translation I had read). However, throughout most of the manga, nothing worse then the D word, H word, or A word ever really comes up. Not that I can remember at least.

Overall I give this manga a 9. It was one of the first I ever read and I have to say that I definitely recommend it for anyone who likes good romance/comdedy manga with a thick plot to keep you intruiged. The few negative things weren't enough to keep me away as they really aren't prominant. Despute the few issues, the manga is quite clean and I find it has an excellent theme built into with standard Christian morals (loving everyone, forgiveness, etc.). I also find Tohru to be excellent heroine who I find myself looking up to even though she is a fictional character who can be a bit thick at times. Give this manga a shot!
My Neighbor Totoro (Jump to title)
- Overall: 10
- Violence Rating: 0
- Nudity Rating: 1
- Theological Themes: 2
- Other Negative Themes: 0
Review This is an excellent family film that's great for all ages. I watched it with my siblings (11, 9, and 4) and they all loved it to death. Perhaps a bit slow which causes them to lose interest, it's extremely adorable and is filled fun and adventure.

The only thing I would like to "warn" about (although it hardly needs a warning because it is nothing sexual or inappropriate in any way) is that near the beginning the two girls and their father bathe together and show little girl butts. However, this is nothing of concern because it's only natural for a parent to bathe with their children and, of course, is nothing at all sexual.

Also, I simply rated the Theological issue part a 2 because this anime does deal with magic and spirits. However it's not to be found offensive to the Christian belief, so I saw nothing wrong with it.

A very good movie with lovable characters and a family-feel to it.
Pandora Hearts (Jump to title)
- Overall: 9
- Violence Rating: 8
- Nudity Rating: 5
- Theological Themes: 6
- Other Negative Themes: 4
Review Violence/Gore: From beginning to end you will see quite a bit of frequent gore. The only other story I've read that comes neck-to-neck with this concerning violence would have to be Kuroshitsuji. People are maimed (in various ways), beheaded (in quite good detail), and have various body parts ripped off( Spoiler: We get a vivid scene of someone getting their eye torn out ). We also get to witness a disturbed child tossing around heaps of corpses, messing with them, and overall just being grotesque in every way possible. Not for the weak stomached.

Nudity/Sexual content: In one scene a girl begins to undress in front of everyone (she's drunk), but nothing further is shown except for her unbuttoning her shirt. Most of the girls wear extremely short skirts to possibly non-existent at all. One girl enjoys wearing a very low-cut shirt that exposes quite a bit; in fact, this same girl happens to be the one that brings us around to some certain situations where we find her seducing men for information. A lot of innuendos are used, some brief kissing scenes, one part with a girl biting a guy in what could only be a sexual way, and some slight seemingly romantic twists.

Theological: I really didn't find anything offensive, but a lot of magic is used and some symbolism. For instance, the Abyss, I think, is supposed to represent Hell whereas Chains are representing demons. People contract with Chains which gives them a binding seal and a little time to complete their mission with the help of a powerful Chain. This seems to represent people contracting with demons e.g. Kuroshitsuji.

Other themes: Swearing is prominent (although I don't remember it being heavily used), negative and dark themes revolve around the plot, people get drunk, and some smoke.

Although my reviews tend to be heavy and I try to open up what I read and share it honestly with others looking into reading/watching it, but not being quite sure if they should, doesn't mean the manga/anime isn't good. These are my observations and opinions, so please, take it as advice and hints as to what you might expect to see. I really liked this story, however, and would recommend it to anyone interested in dark themes, action, violence, and even a little twist of romance (very subtle, hardly there, but you can notice it). The artwork was beautifully done, the plot thick and rich, the characters are lovable and you grow attached to them easily, and it's just an overall really good manga. Although a lot in it is controversial, I especially enjoyed it. My advice? Proceed with caution.
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