Anime ReviewsContributors ⇢ samurai10
Contributor Report: samurai10

The following is a list of all ratings and reviews submitted by samurai10. The links below can be used to quickly scroll down to a specific title.

Black Butler (Jump to title)
- Overall: 8
- Violence Rating: 7
- Nudity Rating: 7
- Theological Themes: 5
- Other Negative Themes: 5
Review All in all, Black Butler is a splendid anime. I would have rated it as a 10 if there hadn't been issues with it, such as the high rating I had to put for the Nudity/Sexual details, and one particular character named Grelle who I would kill if I could.
Bleach (Jump to title)
- Overall: 3
- Violence Rating: 7
- Nudity Rating: 4
- Theological Themes: 5
- Other Negative Themes: 4
Blue Dragon (Jump to title)
- Overall: 4
- Violence Rating: 5
- Nudity Rating: 4
- Theological Themes: 2
- Other Negative Themes: 3
Review Blue Dragon is your typical fighting anime. The hero discovers that he has a great power within him, fights, powers up at the last minute before being defeated, etc. etc. I mean, it's based on a video game. Don't get me wrong, there are some animes out there that are bases on video games that are pretty good, but Blue Dragon just isn't one of them.

Blue Dragon is okay but if you can't deal with kiddy heroes who are totally cliche in personality and a plot that is repeated a bazillion times, don't watch this. This anime is kiddy hero GALORE. It's nothing new. The jokes are lame and trite.

Nudity/Sexual Content: It's kind of amazing how much of this junk they managed to incorporate in what's supposed to be a kid's anime. It's frequent that they joke about stuff like this. One of the main characters is a total pervert, and he's always trying lots of perverted things. Another main character can turn invisible, but only when she's completely naked.
Death Note (Jump to title)
- Overall: 9
- Violence Rating: 5
- Nudity Rating: 3
- Theological Themes: 7
- Other Negative Themes: 7
Erin (Jump to title)
- Overall: 10
- Violence Rating: 2
- Nudity Rating: 1
- Theological Themes: 2
- Other Negative Themes: 2
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (Jump to title)
- Overall: 10
- Violence Rating: 9
- Nudity Rating: 3
- Theological Themes: 5
- Other Negative Themes: 3
Naruto (Jump to title)
- Overall: 4
- Violence Rating: 6
- Nudity Rating: 4
- Theological Themes: 3
- Other Negative Themes: 3
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